Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Daniel and I(and the whole family) went to the doctor on Monday to find out whether Baba Barnard is a boy or a girl and just like I predicted it was a girl! It makes such a difference when you know the sex of the baby, it gives this little thing in your stomach a personality. I am really starting to love it now maybe because in your second trimester you start feeling like a normal human being again?

Last night we went to see The Great Gatsby movie. It was really beautiful - the costumes, the set, the actors, everything! And I really love the modern twist on the movie, I am not a Jay Z fan whatsoever but his music really suited the whole theme. If you watch it you will know what I mean. It was a bit long but I only say that because I struggle to keep my eyes open after 7 at night.

When I was about 10 years old my mom, dad, brother and me went to see the movie, Phenomenon. It was in Pretoria and it was a late show - I think the 10 o'clock show. When I woke up the whole cinema was empty, the movie finished and my family was fast asleep. True story!

Saturday, 18 May 2013

I have been a very bad blogger. Very bad.

I really have been such a lazy ass the last few months. Just with blogging and washing though. The thing is, I actually love blogging but since my very surprising pregnancy I have been in this twilight zone until I met up with two travel bloggers the other day who inspired me to put those thoughts onto paper again.

The thing is to just do it if you are stuck in a rut. Just do it! Get of your bum and start by just doing one little thing at a time and before you know it you are back in the game again!

Pregnancy has really made me think long and hard thoughts, it is such a crazy fantastic emotional roller coaster ride that you go through. I am scared, nervous but extremely excited.

Here is a glimpse of my life the last few weeks.