Today's post is very random but so close to my heart. Boohooo!
I love animals. My mom loves animals. My dad loves animals. My brother loves animals. We all love animals.
Now let me tell you a little bit about our dogs. Remember when your parents told you when a dog or cat or budgie died that they went to the farm? Well, these six dogs literally did. Each and every one of them are in their own way a rescue dog. I would have loved if they could talk! Do you remember the movie "All dogs go to heaven?" Well, I still believe that!
They get treated like royalty - in this house a dog is a person.
Meet the super duper six!
Patrys - the whippet. She acts like a cat and has the personality of an Egyptian sphinx. |
Lady - the matriarch. She protects the rest like a hen protects her chicks. |
Gandolph - the wolfdog. The only boy of the clan, the gentle giant with the bladder as small as a pea. |
Dikbek - the fastest boerboel ever. A mix between a greyhound and boerboel and as cute as a button. |
Dassie - dynamite comes in small packages. So many layers of dog in here! |
Tulula - the hunter. This is where my heart melts. |
There you have it - a bit of mush for the day.
Bye!And as they would say: "Woof!"
So cute! Thanks for sharing your dears with us xx